Monday, September 13, 2010

Mickey Mouse

One of the beloved favorites at Disneyland is Mickey Mouse. Everybody knows who he is and if you don't YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I recently interviewed Mickey and here are some facts about him:
Genus Pedigree-Mouseear
Relatives-Minnie Mouse(wife/g.f.);Morty & Freddy Fieldmouse "the twins", Monty, Marmaduke, Morrie, Timmy, Billy, Freddie, Huey, Georgie, Dewey, Louis, Ronnie, Donnie(nephews; Maisie (niece); Mrs. Fieldmouse (sister); Madeline Mouse a.k.a. Milicent Van Guiltmouse (cousin; Agatha (aunt); Gudger, Milty, and Jasper Mouse (uncles); Albermarle Mouse ( great-grandfather)
Pets- Pluto the Pup, Tanglefoot the Horse, Bianca the Goldfish, Milton the Siamese Cat, Leeza Belle the Cat, Bobo the Elephant, Oscar the Ostrich.
Citizenship- Mousetown, USA
Known Confidants- Minnie Mouse; Pluto the Pup; Donald Duck; Goofy; Horace Hoarsecollar; Eega Beeva & Phillip the Thunker-Booh; Gloomy the Mechanic, Captain Nathaniel Churchmouse & Spooks the Gorilla ; Colonel Doberman; Mickey's Pal, Butch; Shamrock Bones; Dr. Einmug; The Sleuth; Mayor Scott; Anonio Bip-Bip; Friday & Thursday the Islanders; Percy & Patricia Pig.
Known Rivals- Claws the Cat; Bad Pete; Sylvester Shyster; Kat Nipp; The Phantom Blot; Eli Squinsh; Montmorency Rodent (Minnie's former beaux); Emil Eagle; Profs. Ecks, Double & Triplex; Prince Penguin; Captain Vulture; Muscles McGurk; Dangerous Dan McBoo & Idgit the Midget; Detective Bark and Howell; Wiley Wildbeast.
Birthday- November 18, 1928
Mickey also owns a boat called Queen Minnie.
Well, thats all I have on Mickey Mouse, but you can check in soon for my interview with Minnie Mouse!!!!!!!!

I got this info. @

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